These tinned brackets are suitable for use with our commercial grade PCB mounting 16mm pots. The brackets provide the necessary mechanical strength to ensure the pot pins are not taking the stress when panel mounting the PCB. These are especially suitable for modular synth builders who use a daughterboard behind the panel for pots to save on masses of panel wiring.
The bracket has 4 tinned connections on a 0.7" x 0.3" grid where the front two pins are in-line with the pot pins. The pots pins are on a 0.2" pitch with the centre pin 0.35" from each bracked pin. We suggest a 1.2mm pad hole for the bracket pins.
Note, the pin spacing means that the use of these brackets on stripboard is not so tidy but is possible. Bend the bracket pins inwards by 0.05" carefully insert into the stripboard, it's a snug fit but it will go!
PCB pattern image above is on a 0.05" pitch (1.27mm), click on the image to enlarge it to see the grid.